What are managed IT services and why do you need them?
Managed IT services refer to outsourced technical support, whereby external experts look after the network and infrastructure of companies without the internal resource to do so themselves. Exact services vary according to the needs of the customer and the expertise of the provider, but can include round-the-clock support, or intermittent help as required.
4 common types of managed IT services
1) Network and infrastructure management
Your productivity as a company is intrinsically linked to how well your networks perform. Managed IT services can monitor your systems, generate status reports and assess risk so you can keep on working.
Managed IT services can monitor your systems so you can keep on working.
They can also back up critical data, address slow server response times and monitor such issues day and night.
2) Strategy and planning
All IT equipment and software needs upgrading at some point, but without a thorough understanding of technical systems, it's impossible to know when to plan for change. Managed IT services include strategic planning and consulting so you can rest assured your future needs are properly accounted for.
3) Auditing and cybersecurity
Managing your IT systems effectively requires continual auditing to identify new cybersecurity risks and understand how you're actually using the infrastructure you have. With managed services, IT experts do this for you, ensuring you have the best solution for your needs, making improvements and controlling threats as required, so you don't need to worry about it.
4) Out-of-hours IT support
Tech issues can hit at any time, but you can't expect in-house employees to work during the dead of night. Managed IT service providers are available 24/7 so that no matter when something occurs, you have the right team of experts working on the solution straightaway, minimising downtime for you and your customers.

Benefits of managed IT Services
Arguably the biggest benefit of outsourcing your IT support is the variety of services and depth of expertise you get access to. However, there are many other business benefits worth considering.
With an IT services provider you have access to the newest systems.
- Staff productivity: Businesses without a dedicated IT team often find themselves relying on existing employees who happen to be fairly IT literate to fix problems that crop up. However, this means your tech-savvy employees aren't focused on the role you're actually paying them to do. When you outsource your IT management, everyone can get back to doing what they were hired for, and their colleagues can expect a much higher standard of service too.
- Future-proofing your business: IT is an industry that's constantly changing and developing – to keep up is time consuming and expensive. By working with an IT services provider you have access to the newest systems and protocols, as well as someone else doing the research around new developments and implementation.
- Improved security: The types of cybersecurity threats your business could face are varied and ever changing. A professional IT services company has a thorough understanding of every kind of threat and the type of protection your business needs. This is especially important if you're dealing with sensitive customer data, or managing financial transactions.
- Predictable costs: With managed IT services you can opt for a package that includes upgrades and long-term strategy management. This means you don't have to budget for the unexpected costs, or find the money without warning. Instead, you can factor a steady, agreed cost into your financial planning.
- Improved service: It's in an IT services company's best interests to keep your business up and running 24/7. The more problems you have, the more work they have to do and the less profit they make. By ensuring your IT services are spot on, they secure your business for longer.
Would you like to explore how managed IT services could support your business? Reach out to the Biztech team today.